Wednesday, March 25, 2009

American Idol Season 25

Before you could even understand what Harper was saying, she's been making up her own songs. Harper loves to sing, talk and be the center of attention. Since the girls couldn't watch American Idol last night, they decided to go to a dance.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Break '09

Here are pictures from spring break with Hannah. We took pictures in the bluebonnets- take a look at Hays, the boy didn't want anything to do with pictures last week.

Hays loves the water, it was windy and the water was freezing but this kid had a blast! Hays is now using the big boy potty during the day. We're on day 3 so I'll post our progress in a couple of days. (Bluebonnets and Springbreak pics next)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

LOOK what we've been doing.....

Mommy has been a bad blogger......

Dear Hadlee, Hays and Harper,

I'm so happy that you LOVE being in your new BIG KID beds, but PLEASE go to SLEEP.

Love, Mommy

Since I last posted almost a month ago we have been to the doctor with Hays because he had another seizure due to an ear infection, enjoyed three weekends of Daddy hosting softball tournaments, and celebrated our new big kids beds. That pretty much sums up the last three weeks.

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