Friday, February 22, 2008

Breakfast of Champions

I always said that I wasn't going to be a short order cook- well I'm starting to eat my words for BREAKFAST ONLY and only when it comes to toast days. We usually have toast 2 times a week. The only problem is everyone wants something different. Hadlee likes jelly only, Harper prefers cheese, and Hays like peanut butter and jelly. The girls like peanut butter but usually not for breakfast with their toast. We sometimes do peanut butter and bananas, which is a favorite of all three.

Notice that all three have different ways of consuming their toast. Hadlee likes to lick off her jelly and then sometimes eats her toast. Harper prefers to eat the cheese with some of her bread. Then there is Hays- Hays just tackles it and can sometimes put down two pieces.

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