Monday, April 27, 2009

Twins since Friday......

Aunt Ro and I had been planning a weekend with the girls since the beginning of the year. The hope of this weekend was to get to Hays motivated to use the big boy potty because they don't allow "diapers" in Sun City. The plans could never materialize for all the girls so Rosemary and Don decided to take one kid at a time. Harper has been talking about her trip non-stop for months, she was packed and ready to go on Thursday night. She wanted to stay 10 days, but the poor girl lasted one night. They left on Friday morning and on Saturday afternoon I was driving to Elgin to pick her up. It was Hadlee's turn on Saturday and she's still going strong, even missing MDO today.

The dynamics in the house have changed since Friday. It's amazing what one less can do to a household. It is much more quiet and our schedule seems to be a lot more relaxed, I don't know if it's me or because I don't have the little mommy with me. I miss her but I have enjoyed spending more time with Hays and Harper.

Hadlee with her packed bag and stuffed animals.

Harper posing for a picture in Elgin.

An attempt to get a picture with all three looking and smiling.

Attempt number 30

I tried for individual pictures, that didn't work either.

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