Sunday, October 11, 2009

TurkeyFest '09

Friday night after the football game we went to Victoria. We didn't make it to Mema and Papa's house until after 1 a.m. This was a first for us to travel this late and it seemed to work out very well. Hadlee was out before we made it to Roundtop and Harper and Hays got to see the gorilla in LaGrange, then went to sleep.
Saturday morning Harper was awake and ready to go at 7, I begged her to let us sleep a little longer but she started waking up the other two pretty fast. We headed to Uncle Doug and Aunt Melissa's house to see Cooper and Cannon. Hadlee took a nap there so we didn't leave their house until after 3.
After a quick nap from Hays and Harper, we headed to brave the wind and cool tempatures in Cuero. I didn't pack any jackets but we were able to find some old ones and new hand-me-downs from Hannah for the kids.
We made the usual rounds at Turkeyfest, in true Daddy fashion....walk fast and look fast. Nana and Papa picked up the kids after an hour so Wade and I could enjoy the evening together at Turkeyfest. While we were waiting on them to pick up the kids we let them sit in the back of the suburban. Hadlee commented that playing in the back of the car was her favorite part of Turkeyfest. The other two didn't have a favorite part........ but
Ruby WON!!! (you go girl)

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