Thursday, January 21, 2010

Week in Review....

Another week down in January...... I don't remember the winter being this tough trying to "entertain". We got new booster seats last month and we love them! Hadlee and Hays outgrew their car seats so they were in regular boosters, we tried every way in the car to make them work and it was the biggest pain.....the seatbelt would get locked up or they couldn't find the buckle or I would have to crawl in the back. Everyone can buckle their 5 point harness so that's what we're back to using until 80 pounds, which is the new state law, so we're good with that.

The boosters are a hit and so are the boxes. All those new toys and what they still love to play with are the boxes....

Last week we got our flu shots and a follow-up shot from our 4 year olds that we had in the summer. We started going to another clinic to get their shots and the kids get a coupon for a free ice cream at Dairy Queen. The shots were relatively "drama-free" this time, Mommy got her shots first, then fake crying, Hays, hold me down, Hadlee, and poor little, Harper, who had a tough time this go around. After last year when Hays had 7 days of fever, making everyone miserable and a seizure, we decided that flu shots were a must! And it looks like we should have gotten them sooner.............Daddy now has the flu (seasonal this time).................

At the last minute, we traveled to Victoria because Daddy decided to spend his last free weekend hunting in Beeville. The kids were super excited to go back and I was ready for a break after the rain and cold of the last couple of weeks. The weather turned out to be great so lots of outside play and Hannah had off from school on Monday, which made for more time with her.

Hadlee and Harper posing in front of their playhouse that they decorated with "Bendaroos".

Hannah running the bases in our game of baseball.

Harper and Hays cruisin' with baby Carson

Poor Baby, Carson.....Hays is still learning about babies

We got to go to Chuck E. Cheese with Hannah and Papa Schroeter on Monday.

Don't have pics from our visit with Cooper and Cannon. (and Aunt Melissa and Uncle Doug) I wish I would have gotten some pictures of Hadlee and Harper giving C2 their baths the other night. Harper loved giving the boys their bath. Watch out Cooper and Cannon because your cousin Hadlee, loves picking out your clothes.

The kids are at school this morning and I'm procrastinating with unpacking the car.

1 comment:

Bryan, Stef, Chase, Abby & Emma said...

Hey! Long time no talk to! (uh, since like high school! LOL!) I've loved reading your blog, and I was wondering what seats you got your kiddos? We're in a weird seat place, and I was wanting a 5 point harness booster. These look great from the pic on the box!

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