I had this long post that I started about the kids and school....then Hays got in big trouble on Friday.
Taylor and Harper swinging at Uncle Harlan and Aunt Verline's anniversary celebration.
Amy made the beautiful cake that represented their special 20th anniversary. That would be Hays and Harper (behind Verline's arm) waiting for the first slice of cake.
The Sorrell family came into town a couple weeks ago. We went to Bluebell to have ice cream and Shannon snapped this picture while I was doing?? That would be all three of my children going crazy at the BB store.
The kids posed in front of the BB truck. I don't know if you can see Harper that well but she has on a crown she made at school, too funny that I didn't notice until Shannon sent me the pics.
We went over to the Curl's house later that day and had fun on their water slide.
While the big girls went to the store, Key emails me this picture of Hadlee. When I got back I thought maybe they were on backwards but no she was just too busy to adjust her bottoms.
Carson posing for the camera.
Hays pretending to be a monster the other day. I took this picture because he was rather obsessed with the t-shirt that he is wearing. He was begging for me to catch a football during the game last week. I didn't catch a football but I reached and almost knocked over a couple of older kids to swipe this t-shirt that is way to big for him. I made his night, though!
Not sure what Hadlee and Harper are doing but this was taken after I took the picture of Hays.
With all the rain last week the kids wanted to be outside. They decided that they were going to eat supper in the backyard. I think they added the empty pot for their table decoration, crazy kids.
Mema and Papa came to help out last week. Hays woke up at five o'clock that morning. He came to our bedroom and said, "I can't sleep mommy I'm so excited that we are going to be lunch bunch and that Mema and Papa will be here soon."