Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Harper Leigh

Lovable, a fireball, our baby- Harper Leigh. In the flash of a second she can disappear then reappear, Harper is always on the go.

Most mornings I wake up to a "Harper SCREAM" followed by her usual fussiness. After about 5 minutes she starts to jabber to see if her brother and sister are awake. When I finally go into to get the three, Harper demands to be held and tries her hardest for me not to hold the other two. She's definitely the most needy in the morning and when she wakes up from her nap.

Harper is very independent but always makes sure that either Mom or Dad sticks around. If the three are playing in a different room she will check in frequently to make sure we haven't left. Harper loves to make sure her Daddy doesn't get any long naps. Wade refers to her as his "snooze" button. She won't let you rest your eyes without a quick slap on your chest.

Harper is our talker. She's always talking- most of the time we don't know what she's saying because it's coming out so fast. Her vocabulary is filled with words and sign language. Harper has even made up some new signs for sorry and thank you. While very endearing to see her express that she's sorry to siblings and others, it's usually because she's pulled hair, pinched, or scratched someone. It didn't take Harper long to figure out that biting left evidence on her victim.

Our Miss Social, Harper loves the attention from everyone. If someone doesn't pay her the attention that she thinks she deserves she will do her best to make sure she finally gets it. Harper and Hadlee definitely compete on a daily basis for everything.
As night draws near, you can always count on more hugs and kisses from Harper. The tornado usually goes to sleep fast and sound until the morning light appears and we do another day.

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