Monday, July 9, 2007

Hays Middlebrook

Little Man, Baby Boy, Bubba, Haysman, Hazer- so many names for the one of a kind- Hays Middlebrook. Just thinking of Hays brings a smile to my face.

Every morning when I get the three out of bed, Hays greets me by saying “mommy” then “milk”. I lift him out of his crib and he runs to the table where his milk is always waiting for him. Yesterday I forgot to put the sippy cups on the table and I sure did get an ear full from Hays.

Hays is our communicator. He’s been saying words for months and is starting to form sentences. It’s so neat to have conversations with him. He gets so excited when he learns new words and then gets to use them. Today he started saying Harper’s name. It comes out like “Hoppers”.

Hays loves to eat, just not meat or vegetables. He’s our “Fruititarian”. He likes Fisher Boy fish sticks so we have them a couple of times a week.

Hays is very laid back. Very rarely does Hays interact with his sisters. He likes to play independently or in a group with an adult. He usually lets one of his sisters have a toy rather than fight for it. Hays is our lover.
Hays is a ladies’ man. He loves to flirt with anyone that pays him attention. Sometimes during the day Hays will come up to me and give me a big wet kiss then goes back to playing with his toys. So sweet, so sweet.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The new web site it great. I try to check it every few days as there always seem to be new pictures. I will try to let everyone in the family know to look at this new site. Hope to see all of you soon. Nana Wilson

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