Monday, November 26, 2007


Hannah and Amy (I only took two pictures on Thanksgiving- this is the 1st, I'll post the 2nd later this week)
Hadlee helping make cupcakes for her daddy's birthday

The fog is starting to lift from our week in Victoria. I remember telling someone that I don't remember being so sleep deprived in a long time. We thought it was teething- five days later, we finally have an answer COXSACKIE VIRUS or Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease. Hays had it and we just chalked it up to teething, still not sure about Hadlee because she's tends to be fussy and hasn't had any symptoms. Miss Harper cracked the case with extreme fussiness, refusal to drink or eat and a nasty mouth sore. Poor thing I just got back from trying to calm her and get me some more free time. Wish us luck, hopefully we'll be back to normal in a couple of days.

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