Thursday, February 19, 2009

Three "Bouncing Bears" - School Registration

We had a great day- everyone played well together and only had a couple of tantrums- success in my book.

Registration for school is tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. Guess where I'm sleeping tonight?? In the parking lot of St. Paul's Lutheran Church in my car..... I talked to the school director this afternoon and they had three slots available in the class that I was interested in putting them in. She said the "official" sign in sheet would be out at 5:00 p.m. When I arrived at 4:30, there was an "unofficial" sign in sheet and I signed in on the number 5 slot. After signing in my number 5 slot, I talked with the other four parents in front of me waiting to sign the official sign in sheet. Two of the parents indicated that they were signing up for the class I want to enroll the kids into.

Aunt Ro is our representative until I relieve here in about an hour. She's been up there since 5 p.m., hanging out in her car and in the church fellowship hall. Two of the dads parked their RV and were firing up the BBQ pit tonight. (BTW they were also the ones getting my slots for the class that I wanted.)

I just checked the weather and the low tonight is 36. This school better be worth it!!! I love you- Hadlee, Harper and Hays!!

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