Monday, December 19, 2011

Letters to Santa

The kids wrote letters to Santa at school this year. They are so cute, that I just had to share.

Dear Santa,
How mine raindr are ther at the north pole? I thenck ther are eight raindra. I wud like a tint for Christmas and a frunt pack and I want culr biy numbr and ledrs. Have a saf trip.


Dear Santa,
How old are you? What do you do if there's not a chimaniy? Are there stores at the north ploe? Is there a Ploer Experes at the north ploe? I would like a lunch kit for Christmas because my one from my anut Ro broke. I hope you have a good Christmas. I am gonna leef you chcolete chip cookies.


Dear Santa,
Do you have a house? Do you like me? I like you. Can I have a big dog ples? I like big dogs beecus thay play with me. Have a saf Christmas.


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