Thursday, September 15, 2011

Free Time

It's been a hot summer, our poor A/C at our new house makes it down to 75 around 11:00 p.m.     I don't know if we will remember how hot it was this summer but just in case we read this in the future, it's hot and dry!

A couple of weekends ago we went to Dallas.  We tagged along with Daddy, he worked and we played.....we went to the mall to kill some time one of the days and because it was too hot to do anything outside.   I got a couple compliments about how well behaved and how cute all three of you looked while we were at the mall.     Minutes before the first "best behavior" compliment,  the kids were throwing their Sonic toys off of the second story, playing tag, and hanging all of over gross mall furniture, while I was trying to talk on the phone.   They were basically threatened with their life but it worked.  

Hadlee wanted her picture taken.

I took the picture and noticed that Harper was hanging out on this bench...

Not my sweet child throwing a temper tantrum!    All because she didn't get anything and Hays did.  

We had fun and got to ride in our first family minivan.   Not much different on the volume level,  earplugs were still needed.

Hays and his atlas, he loves his atlas.  Santa needs to bring him about 5 more for Christmas.

Harper requested that someone other than Mommy paint her nails.....Thank you, Aunt Ro.

We melted crayons in a plastic bottle using the sun.  The girls had fun one afternoon.

Hannah Camille (and Mema and Aunt Cynthia)   at our house!  

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