Thursday, May 3, 2012

Oh Girls....

Hadlee and Harper get along really well. They definitely have their moments but for spending everyday almost every minute together, they are great friends and sisters!

Harper loves her sister and wants her to be happy all the time. This morning we made two rose bouquets for the kids new principal.

Hadlee got bent out of shape when her sister was holding her roses so I could take a picture. Harper then wanted to hold Hadlee's hand so they could take a picture together. Hadlee didn't want to have anything to do with holding hands.

Then Harper tried to put her arm around Hadlee. Poor Harper just wanted to give her sister some lovin'.

In the end they both smiled for a picture.

After school I looked in the backyard to see the girls talking and holding hands. I grabbed my phone and tried to sneak up on them to take a picture. I was caught but they let me snap a quick picture.

Hadlee watched me type this post while we were outside tonight. She said that she didn't know why she was in a bad mood this morning. I reassured her that sometimes mornings are like that. I also reminded her that playing with kittens @ 4 in the morning and then trying to sneak back with them 30 minutes later will make the Queen of sleep a grumpy girl. (it will also make her mom very sleepy.....we have two kittens left and they are so cute!)

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