Thursday, August 30, 2012

First Grade

We (or I) have waited with great anticipation about who is going to guide Harper, Hadlee and Hays during their 1st grade year.  When Wade went to register the kids last month, I asked him if they could tell us who they are having for a teacher.  I really wanted to be a nosy parent and go find out but the kids and I waited until "Meet the Teacher" on Monday afternoon. They have Mrs. Wells and Mrs. Kauch as their first grade teachers.  I am so excited, maybe more than the three, that they are going to teach them this school year.   Mrs. Wells told us that she just had to have the Wilson kids in her class this year.  I met her last school year and just knew she would be the perfect pick for their first grade year.

We also found out who was going to be in their class.  The girls have four friends from last year and Hays has three boys and one "ex-girlfriend" from last year.

We got to sleep on Monday night at our usual school bedtime of 8:00 p.m.  It didn't take all three long to make it to sleep. When Wade and I went to bed at 11:00, Hadlee was in our room within minutes of turning off the lights.  I told her to go sleep with Hays, which her daddy thought was cruel because Hadlee is such a terrible sleeper.  At 3:03, (I know because I looked at my phone) Coffee, our crazy cat, wanted outside.    Wade, who never wakes up for anything in the middle of night, jumped out of bed and let the cat out of the house.  He got back in bed and tells me that Hays is already up for the day playing his baseball video game. I asked Wade if he told him to go back to sleep and he said that he will learn his lesson.

Wade woke up and 5:30 and talked to Hays about making good decisions.  I woke up at 6:00 and was still in disbelief that Hays had been up since before 3 in the morning.  Our morning went well- I only had to make breakfast for Hays.  The school district is now serving breakfast in all of the classrooms.  It was nice that everyone helped out with packing lunches.  The time that the girls used to spend to eat breakfast is replaced with getting their lunch packed.  Everyone made their beds and brushed their teeth so we were ready to take pictures and go to school.   Hays had to use the restroom so 15 minutes later and a clothing change because he wasn't wearing underwear, we were able to snap one quick picture.   Hadlee wore a name dress so no one would call her Harper.   Harper and Hadlee both wore shoes that were Hannahs, that she maybe wore a couple of times.    Then there is Hays....he had on underwear...bless his heart.

The kids said they got to school way too early.  They didn't like having to be quiet in the gym.   As Hays puts it, they tell us to read, read, read.

At the end of the first day, we did homework in record speed.   The kids played school and played a little outside.  Hays was asleep by 7:00 and the girls at their normal bedtime.

Mrs. Weaver texted the kids to let them know that she was thinking about them and hope they had a great day. We are going to miss seeing her at school, she resigned at the end of the school year.

Harper getting ready to walk to campus and take her daddy keys to his office. They love spending their free time helping their daddy.   They also got a Seguin PD escort on their way home.  

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